We Love our Clients

The biggest difference between an Insurance Broker and an Insurance Agent is the people/organization they represent respectively. An insurance broker represents you as the client whereas an Insurance Agent represents the company they are employed by as their client, and you become the customer.

We represent you as the client whereas an Insurance Agent represents the company they are employed by as their client, and you become the customer. We love you and help you get the best policy.
While both agents and brokers work with insurance companies and insurance buyers, they differ in who they represent during the purchasing process. An insurance agent represents each of the insurance carriers they work with, while an insurance broker represents the insurance buyer.

We can help with insurance claims. It’s your our job to decode the questions you’re asked and to make sure you give the right answers. It’s our job to see that your insurer fulfils its obligations to you. It’s our job to go toe-to-toe with your insurer and argue your claim if needs be.


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